AREXAL® Waterproofing Products:

Expert Training for Perfect Applications

At PAN-TECH, we are proud not only to offer high-quality AREXAL® waterproofing products but also to pass on our extensive knowledge and expertise in the form of in-house training to our craftsmen. Our goal is to ensure that our craftsmen are well-trained to provide our customers with perfect advice and execution of corresponding services.

ARXL101 Training Standard:
Your Key to Mastering AREXAL® Waterproofing Products

The ARXL101 training standard sets the requirements for training in the use of AREXAL® waterproofing products. Our training combines theoretical and practical content to ensure that participants acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to apply our products properly.

After successfully completing the ARXL101 training, our craftsmen are well-equipped. They have the necessary expertise and practical skills to expertly use AREXAL® waterproofing products. By intensively learning about the properties, application areas, preparation methods, application procedures, drying times, and quality controls of each product, our participants have gained a deep understanding of them.

We take pride in training our craftsmen to the highest level to ensure that they can offer our customers the best possible advice and execution of services. If you are looking for professionals who not only use first-class products but also have the expertise to apply them optimally, then you are in the right place with PAN-TECH. Contact us to learn more about our training and services. We are ready to successfully implement your project.



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